Speak-Easy Speech Therapeutic Services
Toby Freeman, M.S., C.C.C.-Sp., an innovative, creative, licensed, certified speech/language pathologist, has opened a private practice in the Pittsboro, North Carolina area. She retains licensure in Massachusetts and New Hampshire where she still provides services via telepractice. Ms. Freeman is also a Level 1 American Hippotherapy Association trained hippotherapy clinician.
Services include informal evaluations, treatment plans, consultations and treatment scheduled as frequently as needed or requested. Individual and group speech therapy sessions are available. Services are provided either at the Pittsboro office or via a HIPPA compliant live streaming platform online.
Sessions range from thirty to forty-five minutes depending on patients’ needs/tolerance. Initial appointments are longer to assess, consult and begin treatment. Treatment begins the same day to avoid wasting time.
Ms. Freeman’s practice is not a participating provider for any insurance network at this time.
Is your child talking, understanding language and socializing at his/her age level? Please see milestones to see if your child is at age level. If you feel your child is behind, contact us at any time to discuss this further.

Our Clients Speak
Informal Evaluation: The patient will undergo an informal assessment ( no formalized testing used ) using props that might include toys, pictures, games, balls, and wind up toys.
Consultations: Meetings are set up, typically monthly, with parents or caregivers, to review status and update goals.
Therapy, Home Programming, Hippotherapy and More!

Types of Cases Treated
Patients from the ages of 18 months to geriatric ages are appropriate candidates for treatment. The following challenges are treated:
Articulation, Apraxia, Stroke AND MORE!